Monday, December 22, 2014

SAP Icons Font Tool

It is that time of the year again to bring some gifts. In this case i will share a nice tool that is quite a good timesaver for my daily work.

Since Windows screens are getting bigger and bigger, Microsoft forgot to migrate his nice "Charmap" for larger screens. Therefore symbols will be very small on large screens.

There is a little tool called NexusFont that can do a really goog job for you.

NexusFont - CharMap

The NexusFont tool

comes with a font manager where you can inspect any font to be opened with the CharMap.

NexusFont - Explorer

To be able to select the font you have to download the "SAP-icons.ttf" font and install it to your windows system (Context Menu -> Install). The linked font is part of the SAP OpenUI5 SDK and located in "/resources/sap/ui/core/themes/base/fonts/SAP-icons.ttf".

A more semantically view of the included font is shown in the Icon Explorer example app.

OpenUI5 SDK Demo App - Icon Explorer

Using NexusFont you can easily pick you favorite font symbol and copy it to the clipboard. Using tools like Microsoft Word or Powerpoint you can quickly paste the symbol into any textelement.

Fonts are a vector representation of images instead of binaries like GIF, JPEG or PNG. This means that they are able to be sized to any dimension without the loss of quality. They even do not have a special color, so you can select any color you want (use all the transformations that are available for texts).

Hope you will enjoy it.

Happy Holidays and hopefully see you next year again.

P.S. If you are using the SAP Fiori LaunchPad, there is an additional font "sap-launch-icons.ttf" which contains 333 icons used for application launch tiles.

1 comment:

  1. Good work putting the Icon Explorer together but it's proving to be a bit counter-productive and unintuitive to work with an icon explorer in which the icons can't be copied and pasted from it. Mostly for us who work with UX and Visual Design.

    For those using Chrome, it might be easier to left-click on the icon and select "Inspect Element" from the contextual menu, expand the span or DIV where the icon is located and copy what is between quote marks in data-sap-ui-icon-content="" than trying to hunt for the icon again in Nexus or in Font Book.

    Mac users should use Font Book to view and copy the characters, select View to Repertoire and you should see all the characters.


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